Understanding holistically the current feminist struggle requires to grasp the whole historical and psycho-social situation.
Hypothesis 0:
For the purpose of this analysis, the model is based on a binary view of the society and does not include marginal natural occurrences.
Hypothesis 1:
Women have naturally more power than men.
Hypothesis 2:
People in power do not risk, i.e. are prevented from going to risky fronts.
Hypothesis 3:
A group of people is in power made of powerful women empowering powerful men when other larger groups are oppressed.
Hypothesis 4:
When oppressed women become conscious of their power, and the power mechanism, they have more tools than men to bring peace
Hypothesis 1:
In order to understand this hypothesis, it is necessary to have a common definition of power. For this purpose, I took as reference definition from physics, whereby I encounter some limitation when equating energy, matter, existence to information, as the transfer of information does not reduce information on the emitter side. In that way energy increases (which is what nature, life energy does), despite the fact that from a physics perspective, energy/matter is not reduced nor increased but solely transformed.
The concept of power "In physics, power is the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit time."
The concept of energy "In physics, energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light."
With a touch of over-simplification we might illustrate with the following example: when I have energy in my body, because my belly transformed food energy to be used by my muscles. Therefore I have the power to do the dish-washing work of all the guests, let say 100 plates within 1 hour.
Mathematically I could say, that if I have finished to eat at 19:00 CET, I can see how many dishes I have washed until 20:00 CET. The work done in that time would be an expression of my dish-washing power (washing 100 plates).
whereby P is Power, W is the work done and t is the time. d stands for the delta, which is the difference between 2 values, in our example beginning and end values. Related to W and t, this is the difference between the work done in a certain amount of time:
dW for work done = (end: 100 Plates washed) - (start: 0 Plates washed) = 100
dt for time = (end: 20:00 CET) - (start: 19:00 CET) = 1
Which means at the end a power of: P = dW/dt = 100
When applying the concept of power to living beings, I am adding the notions of intention & experience. In the living world the assumptions that I set as given, are the following:
a) 1 intention of the living being is to prolong its life (holistically - physical, mental & spiritual) in space-time
b) 1 intention is to propagate its life (holistically - physical, mental & spiritual) in time-space
c) Living beings choose consciously and unconsciously always the best perceived strategies (S) based on their formerly lived experiences (also as witness) to meet a) & b) (I)
d) c) changes over space-time with the lived experiences
e) Experiences are events when living beings can evaluate whether the chosen strategies, through work done in a defined space-time, led to the intended (a) and/or b)) or not
This means, when put it in mathematical notation, that I have power (Pm) when my work done, the work done by me (dWm) in a expected defined space-time (dti) had the intended outcome for me (Oim), which correspond to an increase of a) and/or b), i.e. my intention to live in space-time. The outcome is also a function of my sheer presence (Prm) which influences the work done by other living being (Wp) that is serving my intention to live, i.e. increases Oim. Concretely it means that a living being can be defined at the same time as "power", as the sheer presence of each living being (Pr) is sufficient for an informational energy transfer (not physical) changing the quantitative property of other living beings, changing their energy level.
The real outcome (Or) is defined as the sum of work done, the work done by the living beings (people) (ΣdWp) that are taken into consideration in my envisioned strategy that should lead to an intended outcome (Oim) and is induced by the work that I do (dWm). Oim could also consider the state of non-living objects. But this is not relevant for our analysis as we are considering social power of individuals.
My power is a function on the intended output after I have done "strategic" work and what the real output ended to be. When the result is 100%, it has happened exactly what I had expected, so I have power. When it is less than 100%, then my appreciation of reality is flawed and can be improved. When it is more than 100%, I got more than expected. My appreciation of reality is nevertheless flawed and can there also be improved for adapted work done.
The real output is the sum of the work done by myself and the people that are serving my expected output in a considered space-time.
The work done by the people that serve my intentions depends on the output they are intending to reach, my presence and the work that I do (my activities).
The output that I intend to reach is the sum of the people that I consider who will become active for my purpose after experiencing my activities (work done) in an expected space-time.
This means that my work done transforms the state of a certain number of living beings and objects. My intention here is constantly a) and b): prolonging and propagating my life.
- As an example, I have a flat tire on the high-way and need help to change it, so that I may arrive on time to eat at the restaurant and not be very hungry:
- My output intention (Oim)
- Someone (p) has stopped and helped me to change my tire (dWip).
- time-space: where I am right now within 5 minutes (dti)
- I wave at the cars (dWm)
- My output intention (Oim)
If someone stops and helps me to change my tire within 5 min, then I am, for this event 100%, in power. Less than 5 minutes would be better than my expectations more would be lower.
Now, why am I saying that women have more power? Well if you consider that power is for a defined human-being, having intentions (ideas) on what should be the future state of the environment, the more people that are willing to be active to implement this future state based on this person's presence, activities and the people's intentions around, the more power this person has.
My observation is that women have a presence advantage, which means, because they are women, they will have more human-beings ready (for the majority men) to become active in order to support them reaching their intended outcome.
In the example, the waving at the cars, as an initial activity, will yield more intended "work done" and faster responses when done by women. Simply said, women have more influence on their environment than men, which is simply because they are women, no matter what they do or do not do.
What I observed also, is that the work done by people depends also on their intentions, their ideas of future state. That being said, if I differ my expected output in space-time in order to work on your expected output (let say, our expected future output is not complementary), when considering the real output, it will be closer to your intended output than to mine. Simply said, your world vision will be more implemented than mine, and I will move, do work, more within the frame that has been set by you.
1. Wikipedia on 26.12.2022 at 9:30: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_(physics)